2018년 1월 29일 월요일

Atom Shortcut key (WINDOWS)

Atom Short keys can be changed and the basic setting values are as follows.

If you want to change the Atom hot key, press Ctrl -, ' from the setup screen to display the setting screen.

If you press your ‘keybinding’--> ‘your keymap file’-->the file will open the  ‘keymap.cson'.
You can convert the axis keys you want here.

    shoutcut key                  explanation
 F11   Full screen
 Ctrl-,  Atom editor setup screen
 Ctrl-Shift-n   Open a new Atom editor and create a new window.
 Ctrl-Shift-w  Close Atom Editor
 Ctrl-Shift-o   Open new project
 Ctrl-o   Open files.
 Ctrl-t   Shows a list of files that were opened recently
 Ctrl-n   Create a new window
 Ctrl-s  Store
 Ctrl-Shift-s  Save As
 Ctrl-w  Closing a window
 Ctrl-z  Undo
 Ctrl-y  Rerun
 Ctrl-Alt-i  Open the development tool.
 Shift-delete  Cut the lines. Cut off only that part if selected
 Ctrl-insert  Copy the lines. Copy only that part if selected
 Shift-insert  Paste. Copy only that part if selected
 Ctrl-x Cut the lines. Cut off only that part if selected
 Ctrl-c  Copy the lines. Copy only that part if selected
 Ctrl-v  Paste.
 Shift-up  Select Up
 Shift-down  Select down
 Shift-left   Select Left
 Shift-right  Select Right
 Shift-pageup  Select Down in the units that are visible on the screen
 Shift-pagedown  Select Up and Up in the Units that are visible on the screen
 Ctrl-Alt-up   Moving the direction key selects the line unit. The first cursor is
A multiple input cursor is generated in the position and the contents change simultaneously when input is started.
 Ctrl-Alt-down  As above
 delete   Delete
 pageup   Page UP
 pagedown   Page Down
 backspace   backspace
 Ctrl-=   Increase font size
 Ctrl-+   Increase font size
 Ctrl-0  Reset font size to original setting.
 Ctrl-k up  The screen is divided up.
 Ctrl-k down  The screen is divided down.
 Ctrl-k left  The screen is divided left.
 Ctrl-k right  The screen is divided right.
 Ctrl-k Ctrl-w  Close the selected window
 Ctrl-k Ctrl-up  Move to the divided upper window
 Ctrl-k Ctrl-down  Move to the divided lower window
 Ctrl-k Ctrl-left  Move to the divided  left window
 Ctrl-k Ctrl-right  Move to the divided  right window
 Ctrl-Alt-=  Increase the size of the divided window
 Ctrl-Alt--  Reduce the size of the divided window
 Ctrl-left  Go to the first part of a word
 Ctrl-right  Go to the end of a word
 Ctrl-Shift-left  Select to move left by word
 Ctrl-Shift-right  Select to move to the right by word
 Ctrl-backspace  Delete word to front
 Ctrl-delete  Delete word to end
Alt-1  Select tab 1
 Alt-2  Select tab 2
 Alt-3  Select tab 3
 Alt-4  Select tab 4
 Alt-5  Select tab 5
 Alt-6  Select tab 6
 Alt-7  Select tab 7
 Alt-8  Select tab 8
 Alt-9  Select tab 9
 Alt-left  Move forward by word
 Alt-right  Move backward by word
 Alt-Shift-left  Select to move forward in terms of words
 Alt-Shift-right  Select to go back in words
 Alt-backspace  Delete Until Words Ahead
 Alt-delete  Delete Until word end
 Ctrl-home  Go to the beginning of a file
 Ctrl-end  Move to the end of a file
 Ctrl-Shift-home  Select from where the cursor is located until the beginning of the file
 Ctrl-Shift-end  Select from where the cursor is located to the end of the file
 Ctrl-a  Select all contents of file
 Ctrl-l  Select the entire line.
 Ctrl-Shift-d  Clone the current or selected lines
 Ctrl-Shift-k  Delete the line.
 Ctrl-g  Move to the entered ' striker ' position.
 Ctrl-Alt-f2  Insert or release the bookmark.
 f2  The bookmarks are rotated sequentially from top to bottom.
 Shift-f2  The bookmarks are then circled on the top and bottom sequentially.
 Ctrl-f2  Shows a list of bookmarks.
 Ctrl-k Ctrl-u  Replace the word in which the cursor is placed with an uppercase letter.
 Ctrl-k Ctrl-l  Replace the word in which the cursor is placed with a lowercase character.
 Ctrl-enter  Create an empty line at the bottom and position the cursor at the front.
 Ctrl-Shift-enter  Create an empty line at the top, and position the cursor at the front.
 Ctrl-up  Raise the current line.
 Ctrl-down  The current line is down.
 Ctrl-/  Tin-announcement the current line to fit the word
 Ctrl-j  Attach the lower row to the line with the current cursor.
 Ctrl-]  Write in the current or selected lines
 Ctrl-[  Line up the current or selected lines.
 Ctrl-m  Navigate to the start/stop bracket of the block where the current cursor is located.
 Ctrl-Alt-m  Select the block where the cursor is located.
 Ctrl-Alt-[  Fold the block with the cursor
 Ctrl-Alt-]  Open the block with the cursor.
 Ctrl-Alt-Shift-[  Fold down the top block with the cursor
 Ctrl-Alt-Shift-]  Open the top block with the cursor.
 Ctrl-Shift-l  Select language to apply to the current file and apply the grammar color.
 Ctrl-Shift-u  Change the method of encoding characters.
 Ctrl-d  Search for and select the word where the cursor is located. Press repeatedly to find and add the same word. Can then be edited with multiple cursors
 Ctrl-f  Enter the word you want to search for the word that matches. Press Enter to move to the next word matching, and Shift-Enter to move to the previous word.
 Ctrl-e  Search for the word with the same cursor as Ctrl-f.
 Ctrl-Shift-f  Activate the project window and enter a search term to show a list of files that contain the word.

Accessing the command line of OSMC

You can get to the console in two ways.
- A local console login, using a connected keyboard.
- Logging in over the network via SSH using an SSH client on a Windows, Mac or  Linux  system

1. A local console login, using a connected keyboard.
  you have a keyboard connected
- Navigate to the power icon in OSMC.
- Select Exit/Quit  
- Wait for the OSMC splash screen to appear
- Press ESC on your keyboard 
Login to your device using osmc for the username and password.
username : osmc 
password : osmc

Raspberry Pi SSH terminal connection

A separate program is needed to access the terminal.
Programs such as putty or xshell are usually used.
I will explain mainly using putty.

Download ' putty ' first.
After running ' putty '

window-->Set the character set to UTF-8 in the Translation option.(other language)

For SSH terminal access, log in to Host name in Session name and click Open to access.

If you are normally logged on to the terminal, you will need to enter your ID and password.

Install Raspberry Pi

The preparations are imnida pai, microSD, mouse, keyboard, monitor, HDMI cables, and micro pin chargers.

Because the Raspberry Pi are sold without appearance, the case is mandatory.
The casing has a genuine casing and also has a clear case of alliexpress.
I think we can use it for the purpose.

Format the microSD card to use first.
Format using SD formatter.

Drive selects the microSD card and press Format.


Download the desired file after connection.
Extract the downloaded file to the formatted SD card.

Connect the microSD to the raspberry pie, connect the mouse and keyboard, connect the hDMi plate, and connect it to the power source.

After checking the language below the screen, select Raspbian, then press Install.
If you want to choose something else, you can choose something else.

OSMC Other language setting

OSMC 2017.3.1 release
I tried various kinds of other language settings through various channels.

ADD ON BROWSER  --> MY ADD ON --> Look and Feel --> Languages
                   --> contry select  -->use 
Click to convert to other language.

2018년 1월 11일 목요일

windows 자동로그인

컴퓨터를 자주사용하다보면 로그인화면이 귀찮아집니다.물론 보안을 위해서는 당연히 암호를 걸어놓고 사용하는것이 좋지만 혼자 사용한다던가 집에서 같이 사용하는 컴퓨터를 매번 로그인하게 만드는 것을 귀찮아 지게 합니다.
이럴때 자동 로그인을 하는 방법이 있습니다.
방법은 여러가지가 있지만 가장 간단하면서 잘 따라할수 있는 방법을 알려드립니다.

- windows키 + R 을 누릅니다.

-netplwiz를 입력합니다.

- 사용자 계정이 나오며 상단에서 사용자 이름에 체크를 해제합니다.

- 적용을 누르면 암호를 다시 한번 확인합니다.
확인후 재부팅하면 자동 로그인이 됩니다.

2018년 1월 9일 화요일

샤오미 mi a1 화면캡춰

처음에는 안드로이드를 사용하다가 한참을 아이폰을 사용하니 통화중 녹음이 필요해 안드로이드로 가기로 하고 가성비가 최고인 샤오미로 선택했다.
다른것보다 구글과 협업해서 만든 폰이라 군더더기가 없고 업그레이드가 많이 된다고 하니 선택을 하게 되었다.
역시나 저는 게임은 많이 하지 않아 사용상에 버벅임만 없으면 좋기 때문에 아직까지 버벅임이나 에러는 발견하지 못했다. 또한 레퍼런스폰이라 군더더기가 없으며 글로벌 롬이 깔려 잇어 내가 원하는 기능을 다른 앱을 통해 발견하니 정말 편하고 좋다. 전에 쓰던 중국산 타블렛에서는 중국말이나 앱이 많아 짜증이 났었는데 샤오미 mi a1은 깔금해서 좋다.

본론으로 넘어가서 화면 캡춰는 볼륨조절 아래 버튼과 전원버튼을 동시에 누르고 있으면
캡춰가 된다.

라즈베리파이에 OMV(OpenMediaVault)설치 1.

라즈베리파이는 작은크기에 비해 많은 프로그램을 깔수 있습니다. 그중에서도 이번에는 OMV(OpenMediaVault)라는 프로그램을 설치하겠습니다. OMV(OpenMediaVault)는 NAS용으로 설계된 지유리눅스 배포판입니다.  자세한 내용은 위키...