First, he used Android for a long time, so he decided to go to
Android to record while talking on the phone, and then chose Shaomi as
the most expensive one.
Because it is a
phone made by collaboration with Google than others, I made a choice
because there is no expendency and there are many upgrades.
course, I do not play games much so I have not found any difficulty
with playing because it is good as long as it does not get too wet.
Also, there is no superfluity as reference phone and it is convenient to
find the function that I want through other app because it is equipped
with global ROM. On the tablets from China, many of them were annoying,
but Shaomi mi A1 should not be used.
To get to the point, the screen camchow can be made by pressing
and holding the button under volume control and the power button
2018년 1월 29일 월요일
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